Lab Members

Dissertations and Theses by Potter Lab graduate students

Thanks to everyone who helped make the Potter Lab great!!
4 MEA Pioneers
Tom DeMarse, Daniel Wagenaar, Jerry Pine, and Steve Potter


Ski trip!
Daniel Wagenaar, Enric Claverol and his wife, Steve Potter, Tom DeMarse, Axel Blau


Potter Group 2007
2007: Wen-hui Tan, Nathan Killian, Steve Potter, Radhika Madhavan, Zenas Chao, Doug Bakkum, John Rolston, Chu Yi, Nick Natraj


Potter Lab 2007
Potter lab celebrating John Rolston’s paper, 2007. Sharanya Arcot Desai, Jon Newman, Steve Potter, Chad Hales, John Rolston, Neal Laxpati, Robert Ortman, Gareth Guvanasen, Chris Davis, Sam Shapero, Michelle Kuykendal


Potter Group 2009
2009: Richard Gautney, Aaron Hughes, Robert Ortman, Neil Laxpati, Chris Davis, Yixiao Zou, Michelle Kuykendal, Nathan Killian, Daniel Fowler, Ravi Patel, Sharanya Acrot Desai, Steve Potter, John Rolston


February 2010 Potter Group
February 2010 Potter Group (click to enlarge image)


Potter Group 2011
2011: Ushnik Ghosh, Nathan Killian, Aaron Morris, Alex Calhoun, Sharanya Arcot Desai, Jon Newman, Ted French, Michelle Kuykendal, Neal Laxpati, Robert Ortman, Ming-fai Fong, Chad Hales, Riley Zeller-Townson, Steve Potter


Potter Group 2012
2012: Steve Potter, Sharanya Desai, Ethan Craig, Eric Eisner, Candace Law, Ushnik Ghosh, Silvia Vaca, Nathan Killian, Alex Calhoun, Jon Newman, Riley Zeller-Townson, Neil Laxpati, Ming-fai Fong, Marc Powell, Michelle Kuykendal


Axel Blau & Tom DeMarse
Potter’s first postdocs 1999: Axel Blau & Tom DeMarse (in the Pine lab at Caltech)


Mark Booth
Mark Booth


Chad Hales
Chad Hales

Graduated PhD Students

Daniel Wagenaar
Daniel Wagenaar


Doug Bakkum
Doug Bakkum


John Rolston
John Rolston


Jon Newman
Jon Newman


Michelle Kuykendal
Michelle Mancini, nee Kuykendal


Ming-fai Fong
Ming-fai Fong


Nathan Killian
Nathan Killian


Radhika Madhavan
Radhika Madhavan


Sharanya Arcot Desai
Sharanya Arcot Desai


Zenas Chao
Zenas Chao

PhD Advisees

Riley Zeller-Townson
Riley Zeller-Townson


Alex Calhoun
Alex Calhoun


Neal Laxpati
Neal Laxpati

Graduated Masters Students

Komal Rambani
Komal Rambani


Robert Ortman
Robert Ortman


Peter Passaro
Peter Passaro

Undergrad Researchers (Caltech and Georgia Tech)

Aaron Morris
Alec Shkolnik
Alexandria Harrison
Amanda Fernandes
Andrew Mart
Ben Tsui
Bhavesh Mehta
Blythe Towal
Bobby Thompson
Boris Kerzhner
Brent Schreibfeder
Caitlin Johnson
Candace Law
Chris Davis
Chris Grubb
Chris Rutherglen
Chu Yi
Daniel Fowler
Eleanor Ory
Eric Eisner
Ethan Craig
Grey Rybka
Jennifer Salgado
Jessica Lott
Jimmy Williams
John Brumfield
Joshua Su
Juan Estrada
Kevin Lindsay
Marc Powell
Matthew MacDougall
Mike Atkin
Miro Dudik
Natalie Fan
Orion Kiefer
Peter McMenamin
Pranav Mahadevan
Ravi Patel
Ravi Trivedi
Rebekah Hamrick
Richard Gautney
Rose Malinow
Ryan Haynes
Ryan Moore
Ryan Smith
Sam Rakowski
Sam Russell
Sam Thompson
Santiago Archila
Scott Stapley
Siddarth Tantia
Silvia Vaca
Ted French
Ushnik Ghosh
Wen Hui Tan
Will Findley
William Schweitzer
Yixiao Zou

Visiting Artists and Researchers

Phil Gamblen Guy Ben-Ary
Phil Gamblen & Guy Ben-Ary


Prof. Brad Cooke
Prof. Brad Cooke


Christopher McDonald
Christopher McDonald


Aidan Smyth
Aidan Smyth


Alexandra Elbakyan
Alexandra Elbakyan


Andrew Barajas
Andrew Barajas


John Slack
John Slack


Support Staff

Dustin Romine
Dustin Romine


Douglas Swehla
Douglas Swehla


Sarah Davis
Sarah Towns, nee Davis


Puja Bhatia
Puja Bhatia


Alex Kohl
Alex Kohl


Sheri McKinney
Sheri McKinney


Yan Wu
Yan Wu