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Research Areas
- Multielectrode Arrays
- Electrical treatments for epilepsy (with Robert Gross @ Emory)
- Optogenetic treatments for epilepsy (with Robert Gross @ Emory)
- Multi-photon Fluorescence Imaging
- Open-source Real time data acquisition and processing systems
- Spiking Network Modeling
- Neurally controlled Animats
- High speed imaging of Neural Activity
- New Optogenetic Tools for Studying Homeostatic Plasticity
- Controlling the electric power grid with neural networks
What is NeuroEngineering?
Here is a short TEDx Talk explaining this field in lay terms, and giving some examples of accomplishments in the NeuroEngineering field:
Embodied Cultured Networks
Here is a longer talk about our research on semi-living creatures, presented to the lay public at the Atlanta Science Tavern on Oct. 27, 2012:
Embodied Cultured Networks and Hybrot Ethics (489MB .mv4 movie, with audio and slides)