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- Berdondini, L. O., R. de Rooij, N. F. Koudelka-Hep, M. Wany, M. Seitz, P. (2002). High-density microelectrode arrays for electrophysiolgical activty imaging of neuronal networks. IEEE EMBS Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, Madison, WI.
- Besl, B. J. F., P. (2001). +ACI-Brain chip: Transistor array for extracellular recording of hippocampal slices+ACI-. Biophysical Journal 80(1): 100A-100A.
- Blau, A. Z., C. Heyer, M. Endres, F. Schwitzgebel, G. Matthies, T. Stieglitz, T. Meyer, J. U. Gopel, W. (1997). +ACI-Characterization and optimization of microelectrode arrays for in vivo nerve signal recording and stimulation+ACI-. Biosensors +ACY- Bioelectronics 12: 883-892.
- Blau, A. (1999). +ACI-Bioelectronical Neuronal Networks+ACI-. Chemistry. C. Ziegler. Tuebingen, Germany, University of Tuebingen: 170.
- Bongard, M. A., J. Urbschat, H. Rujan, P. (1998). +ACI-Massive parallel multielectrode recordings from retinal ganglion cells experimental design and analysis+ACI-. European Journal of Neuroscience 10: 356-356.
- Boppart, S. A. W., B. C. Wallace, C. S. (1992). +ACI-A flexible perforated microelectrode array for extended neural recordings+ACI-. Ieee Trans Biomed Eng 39: 37-42.
- Borkholder, D. A. B., J. Maluf, N. I. Perl, E. R. Kovacs, G. T. A. (1997). +ACI-Microelectrode arrays for stimulation of neural slice preparations+ACI-. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 77: 61-66.
- Borroni, A. C., F. M. LeCursi, N. Grover, L. M. Teyler, T. J. (1991). +ACI-An integrated multielectrode electrophysiology system+ACI-. J Neurosci Methods 36: 177-84.
- Bove, M. G., M. Tedesco, M. Verreschi, G. (1994). +ACI-Characterization of growth and electrical-activity of nerve-cells cultured on microelectronic substrates – towards hybrid neuro-electronic devices+ACI-. Journal Of Materials Science Materials In Medicine 5: 684-687.
- Bove, M. G., M. Martinoia, S. Verreschi, G. (1995). +ACI-Interfacing cultured neurons to planar substrate microelectrodes – characterization of the neuron-to-microelectrode junction+ACI-. Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 38: 255-265.
- Bove, M. M., S. Grattarola, M. Ricci, D. (1996). +ACI-The neuron-transistor junction – linking equivalent electric-circuit models to microscopic descriptions+ACI-. Thin Solid Films 285: 772-775.
- Bove, M. G., M. Verreschi, G. (1997). +ACI-In vitro 2-D networks of neurons characterized by processing the signals recorded with a planar microtransducer array+ACI-. IEEE Transactions On Biomedical Engineering 44: 964-977.
- Bove, M. M., S. Verreschi, G. Giugliano, M. Grattarola, M. (1998). +ACI-Analysis of the signals generated by networks of neurons coupled to planar arrays of microtransducers in simulated experiments+ACI-. Biosensors +ACY- Bioelectronics 13: 601-612.
- Breckenridge, L. J. W., R. J. A. Connolly, P. Curtis, A. S. G. Dow, J. A. T. Blackshaw, S. E. Wilkinson, C. D. W. (1995). +ACI-Advantages of using microfabricated extracellular electrodes for in-vitro neuronal recording+ACI-. Journal Of Neuroscience Research 42: 266-276.
- Brett, B. S., D. L, W. S, B. D. (1994). +ACI-A horseradish-peroxidase study of parallel thalamocortical projections responsible for the generation of midlatency auditory-evoked potentials+ACI-. Brain Research 647: 65-75.
- Brivanlou, I. H. W., D. K. Meister, M. (1998). +ACI-Mechanisms of concerted firing among retinal ganglion cells+ACI-. Neuron 20: 527-539.
- Buitenweg, J. R. R., W. L. C. Willems, W. P. A. van Nieuwkasteele, J. W. (1998). +ACI-Measurement of sealing resistance of cell-electrode interfaces in neuronal cultures using impedance spectroscopy+ACI-. Medical +ACY- Biological Engineering +ACY- Computing 36: 630-637.
- Buttler, W. o., V. H. L. G. M. P. a (1991). +ACI-Jfet-pmos technology in the design of monolithic preamplifier systems for multielectrode detectors+ACI-. Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science 38: 69-76.
- Canepari, M. B., M. Maeda, E. Cappello, M. Kawana, A. (1997). +ACI-Experimental analysis of neuronal dynamics in cultured cortical networks and transitions between different patterns of activity+ACI-. Biological Cybernetics 77: 153-162.
- Carter, S. J. L., C. J. Turklehuslig, T. Howard, L. L. (1992). +ACI-Comparison of impedance at the microelectrode saline and microelectrode culture-medium interface+ACI-. Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Engineering 39: 1123-1129.
- Chander, D. C., E. J. (2001). +ACI-Adaptation to Temporal Contrast in Primate and Salamander Retina+ACI-. J. Neurosci. 21(24): 9904-9916.
- Chapin, J. K. N., Miguel A. L. (1999). +ACI-Principal component analysis of neuronal ensemble activity reveals multidimensional somatosensory representations+ACI-. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 94(1): 121-140.
- Chichilnisky, E. J. (1999). +ACI-Receptive-field microstructure of blue-yellow ganglion cells in primate retina+ACI-. Nature Neuroscience 2(10): 889.
- Chien, C. B. C., W. D. Pine, J. (1987). +ACI-Noninvasive techniques for measurement and long-term monitoring of synaptic connectivity in microcultures of sympathetic neurons+ACI-. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 13: 1426.
- Clark, P. C., P. Curtis, A. S. Dow, J. A. Wilkinson, C. D. (1987). +ACI-Topographical control of cell behaviour. I. Simple step cues+ACI-. Development 99: 439-48.
- Clark, P. C., P. Curtis, A. S. Dow, J. A. Wilkinson, C. D. (1990). +ACI-Topographical control of cell behaviour: II. Multiple grooved substrata+ACI-. Development 108: 635-44.
- Clark, P. C., P. Curtis, A. S. Dow, J. A. Wilkinson, C. D. (1991). +ACI-Cell guidance by ultrafine topography in vitro+ACI-. J Cell Sci: 73-7.
- Clark, P. B., S. Connolly, P. (1993). +ACI-Growth cone guidance and neuron morphology on micropatterned laminin surfaces+ACI-. Journal of Cell Science 105: 203-212.
- Claverol-Tinture, E. P., J. (2002). +ACI-Extracellular potentials in low-density dissociated neuronal cultures+ACI-. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 117: 13-21.
- Connolly, P. C., P. Curtis, A. S. Dow, J. A. Wilkinson, C. D. (1990). +ACI-An extracellular microelectrode array for monitoring electrogenic cells in culture+ACI-. Biosensors +ACY- Bioelectronics 5: 223-34.
- Connolly, P. M., G. R. Monaghan, W. Shen, J. Britland, S. Clark, P. (1992). +ACI-Microelectronic and nanoelectronic interfacing techniques for biological-systems+ACI-. Sensors and Actuators B 6: 113-121.
- Connolly, P. (1994). +ACI-Bioelectronic interfacing: Micro- and nanofabrication techniques for generating predetermined molecular arrays+ACI-. Tibtech 12: 123-127.
- Coussens, C. M. T., T. J. (1996). +ACI-Long-term potentiation induces synaptic plasticity at nontetanized adjacent synapses+ACI-. Learning +ACY- Memory 3: 106-114.
- Cunningham W, M. K., McEwan FA, Blue A, McGeachy R, Mcleod JA, Morris-Ellis C, O’Shea V, Smith KM, Litke A, Rahman M. (2001). +ACI-Fabrication of microelectrode arrays for neural measurements from retinal tissue.+ACI- Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 34: 2804-2809.
- Curtis, A. S. B., L. Connolly, P. Dow, J. A. Wilkinson, C. D. Wilson, R. (1992). +ACI-Making real neural nets: design criteria+ACI-. Med Biol Eng Comput 30: CE33-6.
- Dalbasti, T. K., E. Erdem, A. Ozsoz, M. (1998). +ACI-Multielectrode array for simultaneous recording of glucose, oxygen and electrocorticography from cerebral cortex in experimental focal epilepsy+ACI-. Biosensors +ACY- Bioelectronics 13: 881-888.
- Dawes, R. L. (1987). Biomasscomp: A procedure for mapping the architecture of a living neural network into a machine. IEEE ICNN proceedings, San Diego.
- Denyer, M. C. T. R., M. Britland, S. T. Offenhauser, A. (1998). +ACI-Preliminary study on the suitability of a pharmacological bio- assay based on cardiac myocytes cultured over microfabricated microelectrode arrays+ACI-. Medical +ACY- Biological Engineering +ACY- Computing 36: 638-644.
- Devries, S. H. B., D. A. (1995). +ACI-An alternative pathway for signal flow from rod photoreceptors to ganglion-cells in mammalian retina+ACI-. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 92: 10658-10662.
- DeVries, S. H. A., B. D. (1997). +ACI-Mosaic arrangement of ganglion cell receptive fields in rabbit retina+ACI-. Journal Of Neurophysiology 78: 2048-2060.
- Disselhorst-Klug, C. S., J. Rau, G. (1998). +ACI-Estimation of the relationship between the noninvasively detected activity of single motor units and their characteristic pathological changes by modelling+ACI-. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 8: 323-335.
- Dow, J. A. C., P. Connolly, P. Curtis, A. S. Wilkinson, C. D. (1987). +ACI-Novel methods for the guidance and monitoring of single cells and simple networks in culture+ACI-. J Cell Sci Suppl 8: 55-79.
- Droge, M. H. G., G. W. Hightower, M. H. Czisny, L. E. (1986). +ACI-Multielectrode analysis of coordinated, multisite, rhythmic bursting in cultured CNS monolayer networks+ACI-. J Neurosci 6: 1583-92.
- Duport, S. M., C. Muller,D. Correges,P. (1999). +ACI-A metallic multisite recording system designed for continuous long-term monitoring of electrophysiological activity in slice cultures+ACI-. Biosensors +ACY- Bioelectronics 14: 369-376.
- Edell, D. J. (1986). +ACI-A peripheral-nerve information transducer for amputees – long-term multichannel recordings from rabbit peripheral-nerves+ACI-. Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Engineering 33: 203-214.
- Egert, U. S., B. Fennrich, S. Nisch, W. Fejtl, M. Knott, T. Muller, T. Hammerle, H. (1998). +ACI-A novel organotypic long-term culture of the rat hippocampus on substrate-integrated multielectrode arrays+ACI-. Brain Research Protocols 2: 229-242.
- Eggers, M. D. A., D. K. Liu, S. Zeuli, H. E. Doeleman, S. S. McKay, R. Khuon, T. S. Ehrlich, D. J. (1990). +ACI-Electronically wired petri dish: A microfabricated interface to the biological neuronal network+ACI-. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 8: 1392-1398.
- Emery, D. G. L., J. H. Gross, G. W. (1991). +ACI-Contributions of sodium and chloride to ultrastructural damage after dendrotomy+ACI-. Exp Brain Res 86: 60-72.
- Enz, C. C. K., F. Bellazzini, R. (1993). +ACI-Mica – a multichannel integrated charge amplifier for the read-out of multielectrode detectors+ACI-. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 332: 543-553.
- Eytan, D. B., N. Marom, S. (2003). +ACI-Selective adaptation in networks of cortical neurons+ACI-. Journal of Neuroscience 23: 9349-9356.
- Fassbender, F. S., G. Schoning, M. J. Luth, H. Buss, G. Schultze, J. W. (2000). +ACI-Optimization of passivation layers for corrosion protection of silicon-based microelectrode arrays+ACI-. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 68(1-3): 128-133.
- Fejtl, M. K., T. Leibrock, C. Schlosshauer, B. Nisch, W. Egert, U. Muller, T. Hammerle, H. (1998). +ACI-Multi-site recording as a new tool to study epileptogenesis in organotypic hippocampal slices+ACI-. European Journal of Neuroscience 10: 44-44.
- Fiaccabrino, G. C. K., M. Jeanneret, S. Vandenberg, A. Derooij, N. F. (1994). +ACI-Array of individually addressable microelectrodes+ACI-. Sensors and Actuators B Chemical 19: 675-677.
- Folkers, A. H., U. G. +ACI-A Multichannel Data Acquisition and Analysis System based on off-the-shelf DSP boards+ACI-. Lubeck, Medical University of Lubeck.
- Freedman, D. H. (1992). +ACI-If he only had a brain+ACI-.Discover. 54-60.
- Fromherz, P. O., A. Vetter, T. Weis, J. (1991). +ACI-A neuron-silicon junction: a Retzius cell of the leech on an insulated-gate field-effect transistor+ACI-. Science 252: 1290-3.
- Fromherz, P. S., H. Vetter, T. (1991). +ACI-Guided outgrowth of leech neurons in culture+ACI-. Neurosci Lett 129: 77-80.
- Fromherz, P. M., C. O. Weis, R. (1993). +ACI-Neuron transistor – electrical transfer-function measured by the patch-clamp technique+ACI-. Physical Review Letters 71: 4079-4082.
- Fromherz, P. S., H. (1994). +ACI-Defined neuronal arborizations by guided outgrowth of leech neurons in culture+ACI-. European Journal Of Neuroscience 6: 1500-1504.
- Fromherz, P. S., A. (1995). +ACI-Silicon-neuron junction – capacitive stimulation of an individual neuron on a silicon chip+ACI-. Physical Review Letters 75: 1670-1673.
- Fromherz, P. (1996). +ACI-Interfacing neurons and silicon by electrical induction+ACI-. Berichte Der Bunsen Gesellschaft Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 100: 1093-1102.
- Fromherz, P. (1999). +ACI-Extracellular recording with transistors and the distribution of ionic conductances in a cell membrane+ACI-. European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters 28(3): 254-258.
- Gopal, K. V. G., G. W. (1996). +ACI-Auditory cortical neurons in vitro: Initial pharmacological studies+ACI-. Acta Oto-Laryngologica 116: 697-704.
- Grattarola, M. M., S. (1993). +ACI-Modeling the neuron-microtransducer junction – from extracellular to patch recording+ACI-. Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Engineering 40: 35-41.
- Grattarola, M. B., M. Verreschi, G. Martinoia, S. Tedesco, M. Chiarugi, S. (1995). +ACI-The engineered petri dish: A new tool for biotechnology+ACI-. Minerva Biotecnologica 7: 228-233.
- Grattarola, M. B., M. Verreschi, G. Martinoia, S. Tedesco, M. (1996). +ACI-The neuro-electronic interface – measurements and model predictions+ACI-. Journal Of Materials Science Materials In Medicine 7: 363-366.
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- Gross, G. W. (1979). +ACI-Simultaneous single unit recording in vitro with a photoetched laser deinsulated gold multimicroelectrode surface+ACI-. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 26: 273-279.
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- Gross, G. W. R., B. K. Reust, D. L. Schwalm, F. U. (1993). +ACI-Stimulation of monolayer networks in culture through thin-film indium-tin oxide recording electrodes+ACI-. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 50: 131-143.
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- Gross, G. W. G., A. Schiffmann, D. (1997). +ACI-Neural network cultures on multielectrode chips: Self- organization of electrically active networks and their uses in neurotoxicology and neuropharmacology+ACI-. European Journal of Cell Biology 74: 36-36.
- Gross, G. W. H., A. Rhoades, B. K. Gopel, W. (1997). +ACI-Odor, drug and toxin analysis with neuronal networks in vitro: Extracellular array recording of network responses+ACI-. Biosensors +ACY- Bioelectronics 12: 373-393.
- Gross, G. W. K., J. M. (1999). +ACI-Origins of activity patterns in self-organizing neuronal networks in vitro+ACI-. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 10(7): 558-564.
- Groth, S. C. L., H. Hoffmann, K. P. (1998). +ACI-Long-lasting increase in hippocampal excitability by ()-3,4- methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). An in vitro study using multi-electrode-dish (MED) probes+ACI-. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology 358: R775-R775.
- Grumet, A. E. R., J. F. Wyatt, J. L. (1999). +ACI-Ten micron diameter electrodes directly stimulate rabbit retinal ganglion cell axons+ACI-. Investigative Ophthalmology +ACY- Visual Science 40(4): 3883B741.
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- Guillory, K. S. N., R. A. (1999). +ACI-A 100-channel system for real time detection and storage of extracellular spike waveforms+ACI-. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 91(1-2): 21-29.
- Haidarliu, S. S., D. Ahissar, E. (1995). +ACI-A multielectrode array for combined microiontophoresis and multiple single-unit recordings+ACI-. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 56: 125-131.
- Halstenberg, S. (1996). +ACI-Directed neurite outgrowth via photoimmobilized bioactive peptides on an adhesion-resistant substrate+ACI-, Caltech.
- Hammerle, H. E., U. Mohr, A. Nisch, W. (1994). +ACI-Extracellular recording in neuronal networks with substrate integrated microelectrode arrays+ACI-. Biosensors +ACY- Bioelectronics 9: 691-696.
- Harsch, A. Z., C. Gopel, W. (1997). +ACI-Strychnine analysis with neuronal networks in vitro: extracellular array recording of network responses+ACI-. Biosensors +ACY- Bioelectronics 12: 827-835.
- Harsch, A. K., K. Takayama, H. Kawai, N. Robinson, H. (1998). +ACI-Effects of alpha-pompilidotoxin on synchronized firing in networks of rat cortical neurons+ACI-. Neuroscience Letters 252: 49-52.
- Heck, D. (1995). +ACI-Investigating dynamic aspects of brain-function in slice preparations – spatiotemporal stimulus patterns generated with an easy-to-build multielectrode array+ACI-. Journal Of Neuroscience Methods 58: 81-87.
- Herzog, E. D. G., M. E. Khalsa, S. B. S. Straume, M. Block, G. D. (1997). +ACI-Circadian rhythms in mouse suprachiasmatic nucleus explants on multimicroelectrode plates+ACI-. Brain Research 757: 285-290.
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