Potter Lab Publications

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How To Motivate Your Students to Love Learning
Click image to go to https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1838172807

How to Motivate Your Students to Love Learning

Steve M. Potter (2020) Skaludy Press
ISBN 978-1-8381728-0-0

Closing the Loop Around Neural Systems

Edited by: Steve M Potter, Eberhard E Fetz, Ahmed El Hady
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
ISBN 978-2-88919-356-1
Frontiers Research Topic FREE Ebook

Citation: Potter, S. M., El Hady, A., Fetz, E. E., eds. (2014). Closing the Loop Around Neural Systems. Lausanne: Frontiers Media.

doi: 10.3389/978-2-88919-356-1

Book Chapters

NEUROENGINEERING — Present and future:
    1. Potter, S. M. (2013). Better Minds: Cognitive Enhancement in the 21st Century. In D. Bulatov (Ed.), Evolution Haute Couture: Art and Science in the Post-biological age, Part 2 – Theory. (pp. 304-319). Kalingrad: National Center for Contemporary Arts. Download the chapter
      NEURO-AI — Advice for computer design engineers and AI researchers:
    2. Potter, S. M. (2007). What can Artificial Intelligence get from Neuroscience? In book “50 Years of Artificial Intelligence: Essays Dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of Artificial Intelligence,” M. Lungarella, J. Bongard, & R. Pfeifer (eds.) (pp. 174-185). Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Download the chapter. Link to the whole book at Springer.
EMBODIED CULTURED NETWORKS — A new semi-living experimental animal:
    1. Potter, S. M., Wagenaar, D. A. and DeMarse, T. B. (2006). Closing the Loop: Stimulation Feedback Systems for Embodied MEA Cultures. Advances in Network Electrophysiology Using Multi-Electrode Arrays, pp. 215-242. Taketani, M. and Baudry, M. New York, Springer. Download chapter
    2. Bakkum, D. J., Shkolnik, A. C., Ben-Ary, G., Gamblen, P., DeMarse, T. B. and Potter, S. M. (2004). Removing some ‘A’ from AI: Embodied Cultured Networks. Embodied Artificial Intelligence. Iida, F., Pfeifer, R., Steels, L. and Kuniyoshi, Y. New York, Springer. 3139: 130-145. Download .

TWO-PHOTON MICROSCOPY — Ideal for imaging living specimens at the sub-micron level:
  1. Potter SM (2005) Two-photon microscopy for 4D imaging of living neurons. In: Imaging in Neuroscience and Development: A Laboratory Manual (Yuste R, Konnerth A, eds), pp 59-70: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. Download chapter. Also download the Book Table of Contents


Journal Articles

          1. Potter, S. M., (2017) “The Future of Computing and Neural Interfacing: Wetware-Hardware Hybrids,” Future Now: Reconfiguring Reality (M. Frauenfelder, B. Hamamoto, eds.), Institute for the Future – Issue 3, pp. 57-59. Download article and TOC.
          2. Kuykendal, M. L., Potter, S. M., Grover, M. A., & DeWeerth, S. P. (2017). Targeted stimulation using differences in activation probability across the strength–duration space. Processes, 5, 14. Online open-access paper
          3. Kuykendal, M. L., Guvanasen, G. S., Potter, S. M., Grover, M. A., & DeWeerth, S. P. (2017). Closed-loop characterization of neuronal activation using electrical stimulation and optical imaging. Processes, 5, 30. Online open-access paper
          4. Killian, N. J., Vernekar, V. N., Potter, S. M, and Vukasinovic, J. “A device for long-term perfusion, imaging, and electrical interfacing of brain tissue in vitro.” Frontiers in Neuroscience 10 (2016): 135. Online open-access paper
          5. Desai, S. A., Rolston, J. D., McCracken, C. E., Potter, S. M., & Gross, R. E. (2016). Asynchronous Distributed Multielectrode Microstimulation Reduces Seizures in the Dorsal Tetanus Toxin Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Brain Stimulation, 9(1), 86-100. Download
          6. Killian, N. J., Potter, S. M., & Buffalo, E. A. (2015) Saccade direction encoding in the primate entorhinal cortex during visual exploration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (51), 15743-15748. Full article online at PNAS.

          8. Newman, J. P., Fong, M-f, Millard, D. C., Whitmire, C. J., Stanley, G. B., & Potter, S. M. (2015) Optogenetic feedback control of neural activity. eLife 2015;4:e07192 Online Open-Access Paper
            Be sure to look at the Supplementary Figures, which have a lot of useful info for anyone who is doing closed-loop optogenetic stimulation!
          9. Fong, M.-F., Newman, J. P., Potter, S. M., & Wenner, P. (2015). Upward synaptic scaling is dependent on neurotransmission rather than spiking. Nature Communications, 6, 6339. Online Open-Access Paper
            “TOP 1% IN NEUROSCIENCE” Access the recommendation on F1000Prime
          10. Potter, S. M., El Hady, A., & Fetz, E. E. (2014). Closed-loop neuroscience and neuroengineering. Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 8, 115. Online Open-access paper
          11. Arcot Desai, S., Gutekunst, C.-A., Potter, S. M., & Gross, R. E. (2014). Deep brain stimulation macroelectrodes compared to multiple microelectrodes in rat hippocampus. Frontiers in Neuroengineering, 7(16). Online Open Access paper
          12. Tchumatchenko, T., Newman, J. P., Fong, M.-f., & Potter, S. M. (2013). Delivery of continuously-varying stimuli using channelrhodopsin-2. Frontiers in neural circuits, 7. Online Open Access paper
          13. Newman, J. P, Zeller-Townson, R, Fong, M.-f., Arcot Desai, S., Gross, R. E., and Potter, S. M. (2013) Closed-Loop, Multichannel Experimentation Using the Open-Source NeuroRighter Electrophysiology Platform. Frontiers in neural circuits, 6(January):98. Online Open Access paper
          14. Hales, C. M., Zeller-Townson, R., Newman, J. P., Shoemaker, J. T., Killian, N. J., & Potter, S. M. (2012) Stimulus induced high frequency oscillations are present in neuronal networks on microelectrode arrays. Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 6, 29. Online Open-Access paper
          15. Rolston, J. D., Gross, R. E., & Potter, S. M. (2010). Closed-loop, open-source electrophysiology (Invited Focused Review). Frontiers in Neuroscience, 4(31), 1-8. Online Open-Access paper
          16. Rolston, J. D., Laxpati, N. G., Gutekunst, C.-A., Potter, S. M., & Gross, R. E. (2010). Spontaneous and evoked high-frequency oscillations in the tetanus toxin model of epilepsy. Epilepsia, 51, 2289-2296. Online Open-Access paper.
          17. Potter, S. M. (2010). Closing the loop between neurons and neurotechnology. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 4, 15.Online Open-Access Commentary
          18. Hales, C. M., Rolston, J. D., & Potter, S. M. (2010). How to Culture, Record and Stimulate Neuronal Networks on Micro-electrode Arrays (MEAs). JoVE, 39. Go to Online video tutorial
          19. Desai, S. A., Rolston, J. D., Guo, L., & Potter, S. M. (2010). Improving impedance of implantable microwire multielectrode arrays by ultrasonic electroplating of durable plantinum black. Frontiers in Neuroengineering, 3(5) Online Open-Access paper.
          20. Yuan, X., Trachtenberg, J. T., Potter, S. M., & Roysam, B. (2009). MDL constrained 3-D grayscale skeletonization algorithm for automated extraction of dendrites and spines from fluorescence confocal images. Neuroinformatics, 7, 213-232. Download
          21. Rolston, J. D., Gross, R. E., & Potter, S. M. (2009). A low-cost multielectrode system for data acquisition and real-time processing with rapid recovery from stimulation artifacts. Frontiers in Neuroengineering, 2(12), 1-17. Online Open-Access paper.
          22. Rambani, K., Vukasinovic, J., Glezer, A., & Potter, S. M. (2009). Culturing thick brain slices: An interstitial 3D microperfusion system for enhanced viability. J. Neurosci. Methods, 180, 243-254. Download
          23. Esposti, F., Signorini, M. G., Potter, S. M., & Cerutti, S. (2009). Statistical long-term correlations in dissociated cortical neuron recordings. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 17, 364-369. Download
          24. Potter, S. M. (2008). How Should We Think About Bursts? Paper presented at the 6th Substrate-Integrated Micro-Electrode Arrays, Reutlingen. Download
          25. Bakkum, D. J., Chao, Z. C. (Co-First Authors), & Potter, S. M. (2008). Spatio-temporal electrical stimuli shape behavior of an embodied cortical network in a goal-directed learning task. Journal of Neural Engineering, 5, 310-323. Download reprint (3MB PDF) (The first two authors contributed equally)
          26. Bakkum, D. J., Chao, Z. C., & Potter, S. M. (2008). Long-term activity-dependent plasticity of actihttps://potterlab.gatech.edu/files/2010/10/BakkumChaoPotterJNE2008reprint.pdfon potential propagation delay and amplitude in cortical networks. PLoS One, 3(5), e2088. Online Open-Access paper.
          27. Chao, Z. C., Bakkum, D. J., & Potter, S. M. (2008). Shaping Embodied Neural Networks for Adaptive Goal-directed Behavior. PLoS Computational Biology, 4(3): e1000042. Online Open-Access paper, supplement, and movie.
          28. Bakkum, D. J., Gamblen, P. M., Ben-Ary, G., Chao, Z. C., & Potter, S. M. (2007). MEART: The Semi-living Artist. Frontiers in NeuroRobotics, 1, #5,1-10. Open-access paper.
          29. Madhavan, R., Chao, Z. C., & Potter, S. M. (2007). Plasticity of recurring spatiotemporal activity patterns in cortical networks. Physical Biology, 4:181-193. Download reprint with supplemental materials
          30. Rolston, J. D., Wagenaar, D. A., & Potter, S. M. (2007). Precisely timed spatiotemporal patterns of neural activity in dissociated cortical cultures. Neuroscience, 148, 294-303. Download
          31. Chao, Z. C., Bakkum, D. J., & Potter, S. M. (2007). Region-specific network plasticity in simulated and living cortical networks: Comparison of the center of activity trajectory (CAT) with other statistics. Journal of Neural Engineering, 4, 294-308. Download
          32. Wagenaar, D. A., Pine, J., & Potter, S. M. (2006). Searching for plasticity in dissociated cortical cultures on multi-electrode arrays. Journal of Negative Results in BioMedicine 5:16. Download
          33. Wagenaar, D. A., Nadasdy, Z., & Potter, S. M. (2006). Persistent dynamic attractors in activity patterns of cultured neuronal networks. Physical Review E 73:51907.1-8. Download
          34. Wagenaar, D. A., Pine, J. and Potter, S. M. (2006). An extremely rich repertoire of bursting patterns during the development of cortical cultures. BMC Neuroscience 7:11. Download.
          35. Wagenaar, D. A., DeMarse, T. B., & Potter, S. M. (2005). MeaBench: A toolset for multi-electrode data acquisition and on-line analysis. 2nd Intl. IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 518-521. Download
          36. Chao, Z. C., Bakkum, D. J., Wagenaar, D. A. and Potter, S. M. (2005) Effects of Random External Background Stimulation on Network Synaptic Stability After Tetanization: A Modeling Study . Neuroinformatics 3(3): 263-280. Download .
          37. Wagenaar, D. A. Madhavan, R. Pine, J. and Potter, S. M. (2005) Controlling bursting in cortical cultures with closed-loop multi-electrode stimulation. J. Neuroscience 25: 680-68 Download
          38. Wagenaar, D. A. and Potter, S. M. (2004). A versatile all-channel stimulator for electrode arrays, with real-time control. Journal of Neural Engineering 1: 39-45. Download
          39. Wagenaar, D. A., Pine, J. and Potter, S. M. (2004). Effective parameters for stimulation of dissociated cultures using multi-electrode arrays. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 138: 27-37. Download
          40. Potter, S. M., Demarse, T. B., Blau, A. W. Wagenaar, D. A. (2003). “Multi-photon time-lapse microscopy and optical recording to study neural processing and plasticity.” Microscopy and Microanalysis 9(2): 184-185. Download
          41. Potter, S. M. W., D. A. Madhavan, R. DeMarse, T. B. (2003). Long-term bidirectional neuron interfaces for robotic control, and in vitro learning studies. Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, Cancun. Download
          42. Wagenaar, D. A. and S. M. Potter (2002). “Real-time multi-channel stimulus artifact suppression by local curve fitting.” J. Neurosci. Methods 120: 113-120. Download
          43. Potter, S. M., C. Zheng, D. S. Koos, P. Feinstein, S. E. Fraser and P. Mombaerts (2001). “Structure and emergence of specific olfactory glomeruli in the mouse.” Journal of Neuroscience 21: 9713-9723. Download paper. Supplementary Material: (animations, reconstructions).
          44. DeMarse, T. B., Wagenaar, D. A., Blau, A. W. and Potter, S. M. (2001). “The Neurally Controlled Animat: Biological Brains Acting with Simulated Bodies.” Autonomous Robots 11: 305-310. Download
          45. Potter, S.M., DeMarse, T. B. (2001) “A new approach to neural cell culture for long-term studies.” J. Neurosci. Methods 110: 17-24. Download
          46. Potter, S. M. (2001) “Distributed processing in cultured neuronal networks.” Progress In Brain Research 130: 49-62. Download
          47. Potter SM, Lukina N, Longmuir KJ, Wu Y. (2001) “Multi-site two-photon imaging of neurons on multi-electrode arrays.” SPIE Proceedings 4262: 104-110. Download
          48. DeMarse, T. B., Wagenaar, D. A., Blau, A. W., and Potter, S. M., (2000) “Interfacing neuronal cultures to a computer generated virtual world.” Proc. 7th Joint Symposium on Neural Computation, USC, p.36-42. Download
          49. Potter, S. M., Mart, A. N. and Pine, J. (1997) High-speed CCD movie camera with random pixel selection, for neurobiology research. SPIE Proceedings 2869: 243 Download
          50. Potter, S. M., Fraser, S. E. and Pine, J. (1997) “Animat in a Petri Dish: Cultured Neural Networks for Studying Neural Computation.” Proc. 4th Joint Symposium on Neural Computation, UCSD : 167-174. Download
          51. Pine, J., Maher, M. P., Potter, S. M., Tai, Y.-C., Tatic-Lucic, S., Wright, J., Buzsaki, G. and Bragin, A. (1996) “A cultured neuron probe.” 18th Ann. Int. Conf. IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Soc.: #421. Download
          52. Potter, S. M. (1996) “Vital imaging: Two photons are better than one.” Curr. Biol. 6: 1595-1598. (Invited) Download Download paper. Cross-view 3D Stereo Time-lapse movie
          53. Potter, S. M., Pine, J. and Fraser, S. E. (1996) ‘Neural transplant staining with DiI and vital imaging by 2-photon laser-scanning microscopy.” Scanning Microscopy Supplement 10: 189-199. (Invited) Download
          54. Potter, S. M., Wang, C. M., Garrity, P. A. and Fraser, S. E. (1996) “Intravital imaging of green fluorescent protein using 2-photon laser-scanning microscopy.” Gene 173: 25-31. Download
          55. Potter, S. M., Henzel, W. J. and Aswad, D. W. (1993) In-vitro aging of calmodulin generates isoaspartate at multiple asn-gly and asp-gly sites in calcium-binding domain-ii, domain-iii, and domain-iv. Protein Science 2: 1648-1663. Download
          56. Potter, S. M., Johnson, B. A., Henschen, A., Aswad, D. W. and Guzzetta, A. W. (1992) The type-II isoform of bovine brain protein L-isoaspartyl methyltransferase has an endoplasmic-reticulum retention signal (…RDEL) at its C-terminus. Biochem. 31: 6339-6347. Download


          Conference Papers

              1. Dai, J., Venayagamoorthy, G. K., Harley, R. G., Deng, Y., & Potter, S. M. (2015). Adaptive-critic-based control of a synchronous generator in a power system using biologically inspired artificial neural networks. Proc. IEEE Intl. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks, Killarney, Ireland, 15, 15634.
              2. Newman, J. P., Patel, Y. A., Potter, S. M., & Butera, R. J. (2013), Puggle: a miniature, real-time data acquisition and processing system for closed-loop electrophysiology. Paper presented at the 6th International IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference, San Diego. “#1 Most Scanned Poster Award”
              3. Schwoebel, J., Craig, E., Joseph, A., Vakharia, A., Potter, S. M., & Fasse, B. (2013). Developing Interdisciplinary Research Partners: The Learning by Innovative Neuro Collaborations Research URE. Paper presented at the Proc American Soc. for Eng. Education, Atlanta.
              4. Desai, S. A., Gutekunst, C.-A., Potter, S. M., & Gross, R. E. (2012). Analyzing neuronal activation with macroelectrode vs. microelectrode array stimulation. IEEE Proceedings of the 34th EMBS, 34, FrA17.3.
              5. Kuykendal, M. L., Guvanasen, G. S., Grover, M. A., Potter, S. M., & DeWeerth, S. P. (2012). Closed-loop extracellular electrical stimulation and optical recording for increasing the selectivity of the stimulus-evoked response within a neuronal population. Paper presented at the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta.
              6. Newman, J. P., Fong, M.-F., Laxpati, N., Zeller-Townson, R., French, T., & Potter, S. M. (2012). Optogenetic feedback control decouples network spiking from other forms of neural activity. 8th International Meeting on Substrate Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, 8, 92-93.
              7. Newman, J. P., Fong, M.-F., & Potter, S. M. (2012). A real-time optogenetic feedback controller to clamp network firing. Society for Neuroscience, 207.15.
              8. Newman, J. P., Tchumatchenko, T., Fong, M.-F., & Potter, S. M. (2012). Amplitude modulated photostimulation for probing neuronal network dynamics. Twenty First Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting, 13(Suppl. 1), P71.
              9. Newman, J. P., Fong, M.-F., Laxpati, N., French, T., & Potter, S. M. (2012). Optogenetic feedback control decouples network spiking from other forms of neural activity. Paper presented at the FENS, Barcelona.
              10. Bhatti, A., Nahavandi, S., Potter, S. M., & Garmestani, H. (2012). Unified spike sorting framework using multi scalespace principle component analysis. 8th International Meeting on Substrate Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, 8, 242-243.
              11. Powell, M. P., Fong, M.-F., & Potter, S. M. (2012). A novel removable culture chambering system for multi-well MEAs. 8th International Meeting on Substrate Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, 8, 282-283.
              12. Fong, M.-F., Newman, J. P., Potter, S. M., & Wenner, P. (2012). Impaired glutamatergic activity triggers homeostatic GABAergic plasticity. Society for Neuroscience, 46.22.
              13. Fong, M.-F., Newman, J. P., Wenner, P., & Potter, S. M. (2012). Identifying activity perturbations that trigger homeostatic synaptic plasticity. 8th International Meeting on Substrate Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, 8, 82-83.
              14. Fong, M.-F., Newman, J. P., Potter, S. M., & Wenner, P. (2012). Microelectrode array recordings reveal activity perturbations that trigger homeostatic synaptic plasticity. Paper presented at the FENS, Barcelona.
              15. Dai, J., Venayagamoorthy, G. K., Harley, R. G., & Potter, S. M. (2012). Reservoir-computing-based, Biologically-inspired Artificial Neural Network for Modeling of a Single Machine Infinite Bus Power System. Paper presented at the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Brisbane.
              16. Potter, S. M. (2011). Real-world neuroscience assignments for learning what matters in the Real World. Proceedings of the Society for Neuroscience, 23.12SA.
              17. Desai, S. A., Potter, S. M., & Gross, R. E. (2011). Distributed high frequency microstimulation for the treatment of focal epilepsy and advances towards closed-loop technology. Proc. Society for Neuroscience, 672.11.
              18. Ortman, R. L., Venayagamoorthy, G. K., & Potter, S. M. (2011). Input Separability in Living Liquid State Machines. Paper presented at the Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms – 10th International Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
              19. Kuykendal, M. L., Guvanasen, G., Grover, M. A., Potter, S. M., & DeWeerth, S. P. (2010). Real-time Characterization of Neuronal Response for Selective Stimulation. 7th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, 7, 212-213.
              20. Rolston, J. D., Gross, R. E., & Potter, S. M. (2009). NeuroRighter: Closed-loop Multielectrode Stimulation and Recording for Freely Moving Animals and Cell Cultures. Proc. IEEE EMBS, 31, 6489-6492.
              21. Rolston, J. D., Gross, R. E., & Potter, S. M. (2009). Common median referencing for improved action potential detection with multielectrode arrays. Proc. IEEE EMBS, 31, 1604-1607.
              22. Bakkum, D. J., Chao, Z. C., & Potter, S. M. (2009). Homeostasis of Neuronal Network Firing Rate During the Induction of Plasticity. 4th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering. 4, 661-664.
              23. Potter, S. M. (2008). How Should We Think About Bursts? 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro-Electrode Arrays, 6, 22-25.
              24. Rolston, J. D., Gross, R. E., & Potter, S. M. (2008). A Low-Cost System for Simultaneous Recording and Stimulation with Multi-microelectrode Arrays. 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays, 335-336.
              25. Madhavan, R., Chao, Z. C., & Potter, S. M. (2008). Artificial Background Sensory Input Aids Functional Plasticity in Cultured Cortical Networks. 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays, 68-69.
              26. Chao, Z. C., Bakkum, D. J., & Potter, S. M. (2008). Shaping Goal-directed Behaviour of Embodied Cultured Networks with Electrical Stimulation. 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays, 47-48.
              27. Bakkum, D. J., Chao, Z. C., & Potter, S. M. (2008). Long-term Activity-dependent Plasticity of Action Potential Propagation Delay and Amplitude in Cortical Networks. 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays, 37-38.
              28. Bakkum, D. J., Chao, Z. C., Gamblen, P., Ben-Ary, G., & Potter, S. M. (2007). Embodying Cultured Networks with a Robotic Drawing Arm. Paper presented at the 29th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Lyon.
              29. Ross, J. D., Reddy, N. E., Bakkum, D. J., Potter, S. M., & DeWeerth, S. P. (2007). Experimental platform for the study of region specific excitation and inhibition of neural tissue. Paper presented at the 29th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Lyon.
              30. Vukasinovic, J., Rambani, K., Potter, S. M., & Glezer, A. (2007). The utility of intersitial, microfluidic perfusion in extended culturing of thick organotypic brain slices. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Paris.
              31. Chao, Z. C., Bakkum, D. J., & Potter, S. M. (2007) Adaptive goal-directed behavior in embodied cultured networks: Living neuronal networks and a simulated model. Paper for the 3rd Intl. IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, Kohala, HI.
              32. Chao, Z. C., Bakkum, D. J., Wagenaar, D. A., & Potter, S. M. (2006). Network plasticity in simulated and living cortical networks: comparison of the Center of Activity Trajectory (CAT) with other metrics. Paper presented at the 5th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays, Reutlingen, Germany.
              33. Madhavan, R., Chao, Z. C., Wagenaar, D. A., Bakkum, D. J., & Potter, S. M. (2006). Multi-site stimulation quiets network-wide spontaneous bursts and enhances functional plasticity in cultured cortical networks. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Intl. Conf. of the IEEE Eng. in Med. & Biol. Soc, New York.
              34. Wagenaar, D. A., Pine, J., & Potter, S. M. (2006). Large database of spontaneous and evoked activity patterns in developing networks. Paper presented at the 5th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays, Reutlingen, Germany.
              35. Madhavan, R., Chao, Z. C., & Potter, S. M. (2005). Spontaneous bursts are better indicators of tetanus-induced plasticity than responses to probe stimuli. Proc. 2nd Intl. IEEE EMBS Conf. on Neural Engineering, 434-37.
              36. Wagenaar, D. A., DeMarse, T. B., & Potter, S. M. (2005). MeaBench: A toolset for multi-electrode data acquisition and on-line analysis. 2nd Intl. IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 518-21.
              37. Rambani, K., Booth, M. C., Brown, E. A., Raikov, I., & Potter, S. M. (2005). Custom-made multiphoton microscope for long-term imaging of neuronal cultures to explore structural and functional plasticity. Proc. SPIE, 5700, 102-08.
              38. Lobb, C. J., Chao, Z., Fujimoto, R. M. and Potter, S. M. (2005). Parallel Event-Driven Neural Network Simulations Using the Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron Model. 19th Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS ’05) 16-25.
              39. Potter, S. M., DeMarse, T. B., Bakkum, D. J., Booth, M. C., Brumfield, J. R., Chao, Z. C., Madhavan, R., Passaro, P. A., Rambani, K., Shkolnik, A. C. and Towal, R. B. (2004). Hybrots: hybrids of living neurons and robots for studying neural computation. Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems, Stirling, Scotland.
              40. Potter, S. M., Booth, M. C., Brumfield, J. R., Passaro, P. A., Rambani, K. and Towal, R. B. (2004). Combining Time-lapse Optical Microscopy and Multi-electrode Arrays to Study Learning in Vitro. Microscopy and Microanalysis, Savannah. (Invited)
              41. Potter, S. M. (2004). Hybrots: hybrids of living neurons and robots for studying distributed neural dynamics. Simulation of Adaptive Behavior: Neurobotic Models in Neuroscience and Neuroinformatics, Santa Monica (Invited)
              42. Potter S. M., DeMarse T. B., Blau A. W., Wagenaar D. A. (2003). Multi-photon time-lapse microscopy and optical recording to study neural processing and plasticity. Microscopy and Microanalysis 9(2): 184-5 (Invited).
              43. Potter S. M., Wagenaar D. A., Madhavan R., DeMarse T. B. (2003) “Long-term bidirectional neuron interfaces for robotic control, and in vitro learning studies. Presented at Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, Cancun (Invited)
              44. Potter, S. M. (2002). “Hybrots: Hybrid systems of cultured neurons+robots, for studying dynamic computation and learning.” Simulation of Adaptive Behavior 7: Motor Control in Humans and Robots-On the interplay of real brains and artificial devices, Edinburgh, Scotland.
              45. Potter, S. M., Lukina, N., Longmuir, K. J. and Wu, Y., (2001) “Multi-site two-photon imaging of neurons on multi-electrode arrays.” Proc SPIE 4262: 104-110 (Invited). [13]
              46. DeMarse, T. B., Wagenaar, D. A., Blau, A. W., and Potter, S. M., (2000) “Interfacing neuronal cultures to a computer generated virtual world,” Proceedings of the 7th Joint Symposium on Neural Computation, USC, 36–42.
              47. Potter, S. M., Mart, A. N. and Pine, J., (1997) “High-speed CCD movie camera with random pixel selection, for neurobiology research,” SPIE Proceedings, 2869:243–253. [11]
              48. Potter, S. M., Fraser, S. E. and Pine, J., (1997) “Animat in a petri dish: Cultured neural networks for studying neural computation,” Proceedings of the 4th Joint Symposium on Neural Computation, UC San Diego, 167–174. Download pdf
              49. Pine, J., Maher, M. P., Potter, S. M., Tai, Y.-C., Tatic-Lucic, S., Wright, J. and Buzsaki, G., (1996) “A cultured neuron probe,” 18th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 421.

          Conference Abstracts

              1. Desai, S. A., Rolston, J. D., & Potter, S. M. (2009). Improving impedance of microelectrode arrays by ultrasonic electroplating of durable platinum black. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., 390.7.
              2. Rolston, J. D., Potter, S. M., & Gross, R. E. (2009). Increased CA1/CA3 coherence of high-frequency oscillations during interictal spikes and seizures in the tetanus toxin epilepsy model. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., 331.24.
              3. Rolston, J. D., Potter, S. M., & Gross, R. E. (2009). Multimicroelectrode Microstimulation for the Treatment of Focal Epilepsy in the Tetanus-Toxin Rat Model. Poster presented at the World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Toronto.
              4. Rolston, J. D., Gross, R. E., & Potter, S. M. (2008). An Integrated, Low-Cost System for Closed-Loop Multielectrode Recording and Stimulation in Behaving Animals. Neural Interfaces Workshop, Cleveland.
              5. Kuykendal, M. L., Ross, J. D., Potter, S. M., & DeWeerth, S. P. (2008). Real-time characterization of neural excitability by multisite extracellular stimulation. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr, 43.1.
              6. Kuykendal, M. L., Ross, J. D., S.M. Potter, S.P. DeWeerth (2008). Real-time Characterization of Multisite Extracellular Stimulation. Paper presented at the BMES.
              7. Rolston, J. D., Gross, R. E., & Potter, S. M. (2007). An inexpensive, closed-loop, all-channel stimulator for in vivo microelectrode arrays. Soc. Neruosci. Abstr, 317.15.
              8. Madhavan, R., Chao, Z. C., & Potter, S. M. (2007). Artificial background sensory input aids functional plasticity in cultured cortical networks. Soc. Neruosci. Abstr, 586.7.
              9. Chao, Z. C., Bakkum, D. J., Wagenaar, D. A., & Potter, S. M. (2006) Network plasticity in simulated and living cortical networks: comparison of the Center of Activity Trajectory (CAT) with other metrics. 5th Intl. Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, Reutlingen, Germany. pp. 14-15.
              10. Chao, Z. C., Bakkum, D. J., & Potter, S. M. (2006) A more animal-like in vitro model for the study of learning and embodiment. Annual Meeting of the BMES, Chicago.
              11. Wagenaar, D. A., Pine, J., & Potter, S. M. (2006) Large Database of Spontaneous and Evoked Activity Patterns in Developing Networks. 5th Intl. Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, Reutlingen, Germany. pp. 54-55.
              12. Rambani, K., Vukasinovic, J., Glezer, A., & Potter, S. M. (2006). Maintaining viable thick cortical slices by perfusion of nutrient medium. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr, 200.15.
              13. Madhavan, R., Mheta, B., & Potter, S. M. (2006). Activity-dependent changes in percent GABA-positive neurons in dissociated cortical cultures. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr, 235.15.
              14. Haynes, M. R., Rolston, J. D., Mansjur, H. C., & Potter, S. M. (2006). Chemical reward system for embodied cultured networks. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr, 236.14.
              15. Chao, Z. C., Bakkum, D. J., & Potter, S. M. (2006). Long-term network plasticity in simulated and living cortical networks: comparison of the center of activity trajectory (CAT) with other metrics. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr, 341.14.
              16. Rolston, J. D., Wagenaar, D. A., & Potter, S. M. (2006). Precisely timed spatiotemporal patterns of neural activity in dissociated cortical cultures. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr, 432.11.
              17. Bakkum, D. J., Chao, Z. C., & Potter, S. M. (2006). Plasticity of action potential propagation. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr, 636.17.
              18. Wagenaar, D. A., Pine, J., & Potter, S. M. (2005). Cortical cultures exhibit an extremely rich repertoire of bursting patterns. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 249.14.
              19. Bakkum, D. J., Chao, Z. C., Wagenaar, D. A., & Potter, S. M. (2005). Self-regulation and electrically evoked precisely timed cortical culture activity as a means to control a Hybrot. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 276.19.
              20. Potter, S. M., Wagenaar, D. A. and DeMarse, T. B. (2004). Stimulation feedback systems for networks on multi-electrode arrays. Neural Interfaces Workshop, Bethesda.
              21. Potter, S. M. (2004). Stimulation Feedback Systems for Embodied Cultured Networks. Dynamical Neuroscience XII: Closing the Loop, San Diego.
              22. Ross, J. D., Madhavan, R., Potter, S. M., Brown, E. A. and DeWeerth, S. P. (2004). Multi-electrode impedance tuning: The effect of electrode impedance on stimulation of dissociated cultures. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego.
              23. Wagenaar, D. A., Madhavan, R., Pine, J. and Potter, S. M. (2004). Multi-site stimulation for controlling bursting in cortical ensembles. Neural Interfaces Workshop, Bethesda.
              24. Wagenaar, D. A., Potter, S. M. and Pine, J. (2004). Real-time bidirectional communication with neuronal cultures. Substrate-Integrated Micro-Electrode Arrays, Reutlingen, Germany.
              25. Wagenaar, D. A., Glidden, H., Potter, S. M. and Pine, J. (2004). Waking up dissociated cultures of cortical neurons by substituting cholinergic afferents. Federation of European Neuroscience Societies Forum, Lisbon.
              26. Madhavan, R., Wagenaar, D. A., Chao, C-H., and Potter, S. M. (2003) “Control of bursting in dissociated cortical cultures on multi-electrode arrays.” Substrate-Integrated Micro-Electrode Arrays, Denton, Texas.
              27. Wagenaar, D. A., Pine, J., and Potter, S. M. (2003) “Parameters for voltage- and current-controlled stimulation of cortical cultures through multi-electrode arrays.” Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29: 429.14
              28. Nadasdy, Z., Wagenaar, D. A., and Potter, S. M. (2003) Attractor dynamics of superbursts in living neural networks. society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29: 547.6
              29. Madhavan, R., Wagenaar, D. A., and Potter, S. M. (2003) Multi-site stimuation quiets bursts and enhances plasticity in cultured networks. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29: 808.14
              30. DeMarse, T. B., D. A. Wagenaar and S. M. Potter (2002). “The neurally-controlled artificial animal: A neural-computer interface between cultured neural networks and a robotic body.” Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 28: 347.1.
              31. Wagenaar, D. A., T. B. DeMarse, S. M. Potter and J. Pine (2001). “Development of complex activity patterns in cortical networks cultured on multi-electrode arrays.” Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 27: 922.3.
              32. DeMarse, T. B., D. A. Wagenaar, A. W. Blau and S. M. Potter (2001). “Enhancement and depression of neural activity over days following tetanic stimulation on a multi-electrode array.” Society for Neuroscience 27: 372.17.
              33. Blau, A. W., A. V. Barajas, T. B. DeMarse, D. A. Wagenaar and S. M. Potter (2001). “Spectroscopic screening approach for characterizing the response behavior of voltage-sensitive dyes in vitro.” Society for Neuroscience 27: 606.9.
              34. DeMarse, T. B., Wagenaar, D. A, Blau, A. W. and Potter, S. M., (2000) “Neurally-controlled computer-simulated animals: A new tool for studying learning and memory in vitro,” Society for Neuroscience, 26:467.20.
              35. DeMarse, T., Wagenaar, D., Blau, A., and Potter, S., (2000) “The Animat Project: Biological brains acting with simulated bodies,” NASA Workshop on Biomorphic Robotics, Pasadena, Aug. 14-16.
              36. DeMarse, T., Wagenaar, D., Blau, A., and Potter, S., (2000) “The Animat Project: Interfacing neuronal cultures to a computer-generated virtual world,” 2nd International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, Reutlingen, Germany, June 21-23.
              37. Blau, A., DeMarse, T., Pine, J., and Potter, S., (2000) “High-speed imaging of neuronal network activity,” 2nd International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, Reutlingen, Germany, June 21-23.
              38. Kilborn, K. and Potter, S. M., (1998) “Delineating and tracking hippocampal dendritic spine plasticity using neural network analysis of two-photon microscopy,” Society for Neuroscience, 24:422.5
              39. Potter, S. M., Kantor, D. B., Mamelak, A. N., Fraser, S. E. and Schuman, E. M., (1997) “3D time-lapse imaging of hippocampal dendritic spine plasticity using 2-photon microscopy,” Society for Neuroscience, 23:136.5.
              40. Fraser, S. E., Pine, J. and Potter, S. M., (1997) “2-Photon time-lapse imaging of transplant integration in cultured rat hippocampal slices,” Society for Neuroscience, 23:140.18.
              41. Pine, J. and Potter, S. M., (1997) “A high-speed CCD camera for optical recording of neural activity,” Society for Neuroscience, 23:259.6.
              42. Potter, S. M., (1997) “3D Time-lapse imaging of hippocampal slices,” Applications of Multiple-Photon Excitation Imaging, Cleveland, Ohio, Satellite Symposium for Microscopy and Microanalysis,
              43. Pine, J., Maher, M. and Potter, S. M., (1997) “Microstructures for studies of cultured neural networks,” 3rd International Conference on Cellular Engineering, Nice, France.
              44. Potter, S. M, Garrity, P., and Fraser, S. E., (1996) “Using two-photon microscopy to image GFP in living specimens,” British Society for Developmental Biology/British Society for Cell Biology–Joint Spring Meeting, York, England.
              45. Potter, S. M., Fraser, S. E., and Pine, J., (1996) “The greatly reduced photodamage of 2-photon microscopy enables extended 3-dimensional time-lapse imaging of living neurons,” Scanning, 18:147.
              46. Potter, S. M. and Fraser, S. E., (1995) “Two-photon imaging of cultured rat hippocampal neurons stained with DiI, DiO, DiA, and Bodipy ceramide,” Society for Neuroscience 21:427.3.
              47. Aswad, D. W., Johnson, B. A., Potter, S. M., Hancock, W. S., and Henzel, W. J., (1991) “Occurrence and detection of isoaspartate in peptides and proteins,” 2nd International Congress on Amino Acids and Analogues, 1:177.
              48. Aswad D. W., Johnson, B. A., Potter, S. M., and Hancock, W. S., (1990) “Enzymatic analysis of isoaspartate formation in proteins,” 3rd International Symposium on Analytical Methods in Biotechnology.



          (links to US Patent and Trademark Office)

              1. Potter, S. M. (2003). “High-speed CCD array camera with random pixel selection.” US Patent 6,633,331.
              2. Potter, S. M. (2003). “Sealed Culture Chamber.” US Patent 6,521,451 (09/733,644).

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